Monday, December 15


I have never publicly done one of these before, and because time is short between calls at are my answers to a one word-answer meme:

Where is your mobile phone? garbage
Where is your significant other? MIA
Your hair colour? auburn
Your mother? lovely
Your father? cookey
Your favourite thing? Konrad
Your dream last night? fun
Your dream goal? peace
The room you're in? cavernous
Your hobby? knitting
Your fear? isolation
Where do you want to be in 6 years? love
Where were you last night? sportsbar
What you're not? skinny
One of your wish-list items? desk
Where you grew up? home
The last thing you did? talk
What are you wearing? heels
Your TV? limited
Your pets? mischievous
Your computer? white
Your mood? wistful
Missing someone? possibly
Your car? standard
Something you're not wearing? tights
Favourite shop? donno
Your summer? cold
Love someone? always
Your favourite colour? green
When is the last time you laughed? lunch
When is the last time you cried? yesterday

Wednesday, November 5

Somthing's Missing

At the moment I feel there are several things missing from my life...a job, stability, privacy, income, but most importantly my Puppy. He's gone on to meet the man he lived for, but the rest of us are still here missing him, feeling sorry for ourselves. He was married to my Grandmother for almost 66 years. He was fully devoted to her, and also his family. It's a loss that is deeply felt.

Wednesday, October 29

{The Love of My Life}

Knit Faster?

How's this for knitting faster?

I read an interview once where a knitting designer described his knitting style. He didn't turn his project when he was done with a row... he'd simply go from knitting right-handed to knitting left-handed & then back again. Very cool! He was originally a left-handed knitter, but he got tired of converting patterns so he picked up right-handed knitting... and eventually found that using the duo together was uber fast!

Saturday, March 1

Donuts and a Dog

This month has been a blur activity. The first of the month consisted with sushi in the VIP room at Miso. We had a sunken table which was new to me and enjoyed by all...for about an hour, after that, we all had sore backs.
Then two of our friends opened up their home for us to all come over. We ate cheese cake and played 'rock band'. It's funny how you think you're good at something and then discover ... not so much. It is a game however and all the participants are very talented in real life. Even though all of us failed at least once , or three times in the game.
Saturday was BLT and my 1 year dating anniversary. We spent the day leisurely. I made him donuts. He's always been fascinated by this process. And he arranged for ballet tickets later in the month. Later we went to a dinner at church, and then the big surprise. This is how it happened. I told BLT that I had some donations to pick up, and that they were heavy and I would need his help. So after the dinner we go to get the 'donations'. Which actually was a new addition to my Konrad. An 8 week old Great Dane from Saskatchewan. He's my new best friend and protector...well he's not much protection yet, but he'll certainly hold the intimidations card as he gets older.
The rest of the weekend did not become any more relaxing. Sunday we had church and then I had a board meeting. Later I went to another organization to talk about UP. Oh and did I forget taxes?
Yes, all it all it was a great culmination of many things, which now make my life better richer place.

Monday, February 25

Cozy is my Favourite

I thought I would share with you one of my favourite blogs. It's name: Posie Gets Cozy.
There are many reasons Posie has earned my undying love and respect, and this is first and foremost that she posts regularly. Nearly everyday...sometimes twice a day. Now I know I shouldn't rely on others for my creative giggles and inspirations, but Alicia Paulson is just so darn talented, it would be unsound of me not to at least look at her photos and dream....which I do, everyday. See for yourself.....

Monday, February 18

White Bean & Onion Fritters

I'm going to whip some of these up this evening. The process reminds me of 'fish cakes' my mother has made for years. We'll see how these stack up!

Here's the recipe...try some for yourself:

White Bean & Onion Fritters

  • 1 cup cannellini beans {either canned, or soaked and boiled}
  • 3 T olive oil
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 3/4 cup flour
Place beans in a food processor and whirl until you have a puree. Place puree in a bowl

Heat oil and add onions. Sautee 5 minutes or until soft. Remove and add to puree.

Season with S & P. Add 2 T flour to mixture, stir until smooth.

In same skillet, add enough oil to cover bottom of pan.

Mold puree into gold ball size balls. Roll in flour, and then squish into a patty.

Slide into pan, and cook 5 minutes each side. When finished place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Consume when hot!