Your work is to discover your work, and then with all your heart to give yourself to it. -Buddha
Monday, November 9
Maritime Spinners Retreat
Sunday, September 13
101 Reasons Why I Love Knitting
Oh knitting, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
- it’s calming.
- it’s creative.
- it’s enjoyable.
- it’s easy.
- it’s difficult.
- it can be undone.
- it encourages me to practice maths.
- i don’t need maths to do it.
- it encourages me to be lazy.
- it allows me to do something with my hands, even when i have to concentrate on something else.
- i like the feeling of yarn.
- i like the feeling of needles.
- i like the gentle click the needles make as i knit.
- i like to make the things i wear.
- i like to know how the things i wear are made.
- i like to keep warm & help others keep warm.
- i like having the ability to create something i want to wear.
- it helps me think.
- it improves my concentration.
- it connects me with many other people.
- it creates physical representations of time, effort, and love.
- it encourages me to improve my photography.
- it encourages me to improve my drawing.
- it encourages me to think laterally.
- it’s taught me a lot about fiber that i would otherwise not have known.
- it helps me make decisions about what i wear.
- it encourages me to be patient.
- it encourages me to try new things.
- it can be practiced almost anywhere.
- it’s ancient.
- it’s brand-new.
- it never gets old.
- there is no limit to the variety of stitches and patterns that can be knitted.
- there are many many different ways of knitting.
- it’s elegant.
- it’s a way of filling my life with colour.
- it’s a language not everyone knows.
- it’s a language everyone knows.
- it’s multi-lingual.
- it’s tiny.
- it’s huge.
- it’s extremely precise.
- it can be fudged.
- it can be used to make the most necessary, and the most unnecessary things in life.
- it’s practical.
- it’s limited.
- there are always things to learn.
- it’s meditative.
- it can help you look cool & detached in a heated discussion.
- it’s endlessly frustrating. (it winds me up!)
- it’s basic. all you really need is a length of something string-like.
- it’s thrifty.
- it’s luxurious.
- it takes hours to learn.
- it takes years to perfect.
- it’s addictive.
- it’s tempting.
- it’s ripe for allegory.
- it makes me want to jump out of bed.
- it makes me not want to go to sleep.
- it’s taught me to notice which styles flatter me & which don’t.
- it encourages me to challenge myself.
- there’s no wrong way of doing it.
- it can be a social activity.
- it can keep you company when you’re alone.
- there’s no need to make long preparations.
- it keeps me from biting my cuticles.
- it looks impossible to non-knitters.
- a knitted piece is never final or finished, but is always in flux.
- knitting is a fun way to donate to charity.
- knitting teaches you to deal with anxiety and worry.
- a knitted piece can always be recycled.
- knitting can be work or play.
- it can help you procrastinate.
- it can help you stop procrastinating.
- it improves your visualisation skills.
- it’s a conversation-starter.
- it’s resourceful.
- you can rip it when it makes you angry, and it’s still OK.
- it’s not fashionable.
- it can help you show someone just how much you care.
- it’s literary & makes me want to write.
- it can drape.
- it can be sculptural.
- it’s concrete.
- it’s better than just sitting there.
- it’s one of the simplest ways of creating fabric.
- it encourages you to branch out into other fiber-crafts.
- you can literally put blood, sweat, tears (and hair) into it.
- you can use your needles to stratch your back.
- it often defies both logic and probability.
- every stitch is unique.
- every stitch is a brief metamorphosis, every stitch has a previous existence.
- it’s made of loopholes.
- it’s high-tech.
- it makes a good day better.
- it’s feminine.
- it’s masculine.
- you are what you knit.
- it’s active, dangerous, risky & terrifying.
- it’s classic.
Thursday, August 6
Dooryard Arts Festival

The Woodstock Fiber Artists will have a booth at the Dooryard Arts Festival 2009. For more information look at the RiVa website As noted in this weeks issue of the Bugle Observer the Festival will no longer be taking place in the parking lot of the Woodstock Farm Market on King Street, but now in the less visible parking lot of Home Hardware on Water St. Come out and show your support to the organizers and enjoy some local culture.
Just in case you are wondering....... door·yard
n. The yard in front of the door of a house. |
Monday, May 18
Back from Utopia
{This is a rather long post...if you don't like knitting, yarn, or anything to do with it...then skip this post, or just look at the photos. Like this one of me touching John Harvard's time I apply, I'm totally getting in!}
I Visited stores in Woodstock NB, Houlton, Belefast, Bath, Brunswick, Portland ME, and one in Boston MA as well. I have only a few photos of my trip because I didn't have a camera, and had to rely on the generosity of others to take them. I got some books, a drop spindle and roving, yarn, a few Blue Sky Alpacas Patterns and wool wash. :)
It all started at Heavenly Sock Yarns in Belfast ME. The storefront didn't look like much, but was a treasurie inside. Although the store held much more than just sock yarns, I decided to begin my trip by purchasing only sock yarns here. I was extatic to see they carried the new Berroco Sox Metallic. I purchased it in Kiwi. The owner here was very curious about Canada, and asked me all sorts of questions about our Health Care System. I made it sound so great, she'll likely be moving here soon. ;) Before visiting her store I got a lot of information and inspiration from her website. I really appreciated how she linked to many many local artists and events.
The most lovely store aesthetically was "Knit Wit" in South Portland. The decorum displayed both new and vintage knits {and crochet}. I especially loved the wall of pot holders. The colours of the store were fun and spunky.The owner Anna had a wealth of knowledge and helped me pick out just the right yarn for my project. It was raining the day I went and thus I stayed in the store twice as long as I typically would have. I just wanted to curl up on her vintage chair and knit it up.
The freindliest store {by far} was found in Brunswick ME. It was called "The Knitting Experience & Cafe" The owner Chestley, was warm and welcoming, not to mention knowledgable. She had a lovely and diverse selection. I know I will be going back there next time I'm traveling through. She also gave me some good tips for places to visit next time I am in the area.
The greatest adventure came while visiting "Woolcott & Company"
in Harvard Square, Boston MA. I spent so long here my friend had
to put more money in the parking metre. Here I am clutching some springy and soft lace weight -->
Here I purchased two skeins of a lovely wool, and was having them balled. One was completed then the owner asked if she could wind someone else's skein who was in a rush to catch a bus. Bing the accomidating Canadian I am, I agreed. Plus it gave me more time to spend in a Yarn Store. Well what a diaster. They had to wind the slinky cotton yarn twice...and it took forever. It did not ball well and once got all wound around the bottom of the swift. While I was anxious to leave {we almost ran out of time on the metre AGAIN} we did get to speak to a lovely lady who lives in the area. It was her yarn that we being balled, and she was a new knitter and very apologetic. Of corse in the end all was well, her yarn and mine was balled nicely, and we got to the car with time to spare!
Halcyon Yarn in Bath was a large, large facility. They have a large mail order component to their business, and becides yarn deal in spinning, hooking, and weaving equipment and supplies. They had the larget selection of books and yarn, yet I didn't find anything that totally grabbed me. In the end I purchased a drop spindle and some lovely wool roving. My dad has been after me to 'darn his socks', so in an attmept to appease him, I purchased a darning egg. Staff member Gwen was very helpful and also sent me home with both their yarn and equipment catalogues. Shame on her, now I'll be able to shop there year round!
Combined with many other fun and satisfying advetures, plus a few new friends, it was an amazing four days. In an attempt to continue my yarn high, I'll be taking my treasures to my weekly knitter natter meeting at the L.P Fisher Library in Woodstock tomorrow night {7 pm}.
Monday, April 20
Yarn Tour 09
They are, in order they will be visited....
Belfast-Heavenly Sock Yarns
Bath- Halycon Yarn
Brunswick- The Knitting Experience Cafe
Freeport- Grace Robinson & Co
Portland- Knitwit Yarn Shop & Cafe
Saturday, April 4
Wednesday, April 1
Woodstock Knitter Natters

Knitters and Crochters alike are invited to bring their current WIP {Work In Progress}, or if you don’t knit/crochet yet, free instruction will be given to anyone who needs it.
Wednesday, March 11
Getting Married in Manila
We got a note from my Great Aunt Lana a few weeks ago. I read it in the kitchen, and it announced that my cousin Ian is getting MARRIED. I love a wedding, so of course I was jumping up and down in the kitchen delighted to hear the news.
Anyway they are getting married in a civil ceremony in Manila, and then will have a reception in Canada in August. Here is the happy couple:
Humming Through The Day

The Avett Brothers.
This band is on my ‘most played’ iTunes list.
Their words play over and over in my mind. When I’m in the shower, when I’m in the car, working, eating, knitting, likely even when I’m sleeping, the words are rumbling around my mind and often coming out my mouth.
Here’s the song that I woke up to this morning. It's one
of my top 10 favourte Avett Brothers tunes. I hope you enjoy it too.
Love writes a letter and sends it to hate.
My vacations ending. I'm coming home late.
The weather was fine and the ocean was great
and I can't wait to see you again.
Hate reads the letter and throws it away.
"No one here cares if you go or you stay.
I barely even noticed that you were away.
I'll see you or I won't, whatever."
Love sings a song as she sails through the sky.
The water looks bluer through her pretty eyes.
And everyone knows it whenever she flies,
and also when she comes down.
Hate keeps his head up and walks through the street.
Every stranger and drifter he greets.
And shakes hands with every loner he meets
with a serious look on his face.
Love arrives safely with suitcase in tow.
Carrying with her the good things we know.
A reason to live and a reason to grow.
To trust. To hope. To care.
Hate sits alone on the hood of his car.
Without much regard to the moon or the stars.
Lazily killing the last of a jar
of the strongest stuff you can drink.
Love takes a taxi, a young man drives.
As soon as he sees her, hope fills his eyes.
But tears follow after, at the end of the ride,
cause he might never see her again.
Hate gets home lucky to still be alive.
He screams o'er the sidewalk and into the drive.
The clock in the kitchen says 2:55,
And the clock in the kitchen is slow.
Love has been waiting, patient and kind.
Just wanting a phone call or some kind of sign,
That the one that she cares for, who's out of his mind,
Will make it back safe to her arms.
Hate stumbles forward and leans in the door.
Weary head hung, eyes to the floor.
He says "Love, I'm sorry", and she says, "What for?
I'm your and that's it, Whatever.
I should not have been gone for so long.
I'm your's and that's it, forever."
You're mine and that's it, forever.
Monday, March 9
The Apparatus
Many of you have been asking about how Konrad is doing, and what type of device he has on his leg. Well I like to call it an External Fixider, or "the Aparatus".
Here's a photo...well okay a drawing.
The pins are in green. There are approximately 7 {he broke one today}, stuck into his leg. They are attached to three large metal hoops, that likely weigh 10 lb.
His leg is still very swollen and will be for another 12 weeks. He's recovering, but it's a long and sometimes painful process.
Updates to come.
Sunday, March 8
Sleepy Sunday

Thursday, February 19
Canada Reads!
Here are winners from past years.

Monday, February 9
He Does This To Me

Sunday, January 18
27 Things, not Dresses
Saturday, January 17
Snacks & Crafts

It seems like each day this week I've either been cooking or creating something.
I've made earrings, and a necklace, I've been knitting thrummed mittens, and making southern BBQ. Ive also been shopping for healthy filling snacks. I'm getting a bit bored with grapes, bananna's and yogurt, for my daily snacks.
Saturday, January 10
Konrad the Birthday Boy
Well Today He's ONE YEAR OLD.
I am so proud of how far we've come. At first it was a lot of stress having to take care of him ALL ALONE, but it was what I wanted, and didn't give up! As time has gone on, he's grown up a lot, and is improving his behaviors every day.
I used to deal a lot with things like mouthing, jumping and blank stares. Now because I have focused in on being consistent he hardly mouths any more...and only lays teeth on skin very rarely. He doesn't jump except for when he is very scared, or in urgent need of attention. And the blank stares, well they are being replaced by the following of my commands.
Of course he easily caught on to "sit" when I had a heaping bowl of chow in my hand. And "Shake" has never been a problem. He's very friendly. However now we're working on 'stay' and I must say it's the most challenging because it seems his hearts desire is to be near me. He hates being apart from me, and honestly, I like it when he's near too.
I'll post pictures after our 'party' {I've got party hats!} But for today I'll post the recipe for our party food.
4 cups whole wheat flour 1/2 t. vanilla
2 T honey 1 t each cinnamon, baking powder & nutmeg
2 ripe banana's mashed
Pour these into twelve large muffin tins, and bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes. Enjoy!
Monday, January 5
Who Knew!
I decided that there must be more usages for the delightful smelling oil, so I searched the internet...and this is a spattering of what I found.
- Put 5-6 drops of peppermint oil in the tub or shower before you start the water. The scent revives you and clears your head for a long day.
- If you get bad headaches, put a few drops of Peppermint Oil on a cold, wet washcloth and place over your eyes. The cold and smell relaxes your senses. Make sure the oil doesn't get into your eyes.
- Add a few drops of Peppermint Oil to white chocolate before you heat the chocolate.
- One drop of peppermint oil in a cup of herbal tea helps digestion and has been known to ease heartburn
- Buy unscented body cream and add a few drops of peppermint oil. It becomes a wonderful cream to massage with.
- Inhale peppermint oil at your lowest point in the day. It will revive your energy.
- Place a few drops of peppermint oil on an oil burner and increase the energy in the room.
- Drop a bit of peppermint oil in a foot bath with rolling water to aid in relieving tired feet.
- Add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil to a dry washcloth. Put the washcloth in the dryer with your clothes.
- You can make your own massage oil by adding 4-5 drops of peppermint oil to every 1 oz. of skin approved vegetable oil.