Your work is to discover your work, and then with all your heart to give yourself to it. -Buddha
Wednesday, March 11
Getting Married in Manila
We got a note from my Great Aunt Lana a few weeks ago. I read it in the kitchen, and it announced that my cousin Ian is getting MARRIED. I love a wedding, so of course I was jumping up and down in the kitchen delighted to hear the news.
Anyway they are getting married in a civil ceremony in Manila, and then will have a reception in Canada in August. Here is the happy couple:
Humming Through The Day

The Avett Brothers.
This band is on my ‘most played’ iTunes list.
Their words play over and over in my mind. When I’m in the shower, when I’m in the car, working, eating, knitting, likely even when I’m sleeping, the words are rumbling around my mind and often coming out my mouth.
Here’s the song that I woke up to this morning. It's one
of my top 10 favourte Avett Brothers tunes. I hope you enjoy it too.
Love writes a letter and sends it to hate.
My vacations ending. I'm coming home late.
The weather was fine and the ocean was great
and I can't wait to see you again.
Hate reads the letter and throws it away.
"No one here cares if you go or you stay.
I barely even noticed that you were away.
I'll see you or I won't, whatever."
Love sings a song as she sails through the sky.
The water looks bluer through her pretty eyes.
And everyone knows it whenever she flies,
and also when she comes down.
Hate keeps his head up and walks through the street.
Every stranger and drifter he greets.
And shakes hands with every loner he meets
with a serious look on his face.
Love arrives safely with suitcase in tow.
Carrying with her the good things we know.
A reason to live and a reason to grow.
To trust. To hope. To care.
Hate sits alone on the hood of his car.
Without much regard to the moon or the stars.
Lazily killing the last of a jar
of the strongest stuff you can drink.
Love takes a taxi, a young man drives.
As soon as he sees her, hope fills his eyes.
But tears follow after, at the end of the ride,
cause he might never see her again.
Hate gets home lucky to still be alive.
He screams o'er the sidewalk and into the drive.
The clock in the kitchen says 2:55,
And the clock in the kitchen is slow.
Love has been waiting, patient and kind.
Just wanting a phone call or some kind of sign,
That the one that she cares for, who's out of his mind,
Will make it back safe to her arms.
Hate stumbles forward and leans in the door.
Weary head hung, eyes to the floor.
He says "Love, I'm sorry", and she says, "What for?
I'm your and that's it, Whatever.
I should not have been gone for so long.
I'm your's and that's it, forever."
You're mine and that's it, forever.
Monday, March 9
The Apparatus
Many of you have been asking about how Konrad is doing, and what type of device he has on his leg. Well I like to call it an External Fixider, or "the Aparatus".
Here's a photo...well okay a drawing.
The pins are in green. There are approximately 7 {he broke one today}, stuck into his leg. They are attached to three large metal hoops, that likely weigh 10 lb.
His leg is still very swollen and will be for another 12 weeks. He's recovering, but it's a long and sometimes painful process.
Updates to come.
Sunday, March 8
Sleepy Sunday