{This is a rather long post...if you don't like knitting, yarn, or anything to do with it...then skip this post, or just look at the photos. Like this one of me touching John Harvard's shoe...next time I apply, I'm totally getting in!}
I Visited stores in Woodstock NB, Houlton, Belefast, Bath, Brunswick, Portland ME, and one in Boston MA as well. I have only a few photos of my trip because I didn't have a camera, and had to rely on the generosity of others to take them. I got some books, a drop spindle and roving, yarn, a few Blue Sky Alpacas Patterns and wool wash. :)
It all started at Heavenly Sock Yarns in Belfast ME. The storefront didn't look like much, but was a treasurie inside. Although the store held much more than just sock yarns, I decided to begin my trip by purchasing only sock yarns here. I was extatic to see they carried the new Berroco Sox Metallic. I purchased it in Kiwi. The owner here was very curious about Canada, and asked me all sorts of questions about our Health Care System. I made it sound so great, she'll likely be moving here soon. ;) Before visiting her store I got a lot of information and inspiration from her website. I really appreciated how she linked to many many local artists and events.
The most lovely store aesthetically was "Knit Wit" in South Portland. The decorum displayed both new and vintage knits {and crochet}. I especially loved the wall of pot holders. The colours of the store were fun and spunky.The owner Anna had a wealth of knowledge and helped me pick out just the right yarn for my project. It was raining the day I went and thus I stayed in the store twice as long as I typically would have. I just wanted to curl up on her vintage chair and knit it up.
The freindliest store {by far} was found in Brunswick ME. It was called "The Knitting Experience & Cafe" The owner Chestley, was warm and welcoming, not to mention knowledgable. She had a lovely and diverse selection. I know I will be going back there next time I'm traveling through. She also gave me some good tips for places to visit next time I am in the area.
The greatest adventure came while visiting "Woolcott & Company"
in Harvard Square, Boston MA. I spent so long here my friend had
to put more money in the parking metre. Here I am clutching some springy and soft lace weight -->
Here I purchased two skeins of a lovely wool, and was having them balled. One was completed then the owner asked if she could wind someone else's skein who was in a rush to catch a bus. Bing the accomidating Canadian I am, I agreed. Plus it gave me more time to spend in a Yarn Store. Well what a diaster. They had to wind the slinky cotton yarn twice...and it took forever. It did not ball well and once got all wound around the bottom of the swift. While I was anxious to leave {we almost ran out of time on the metre AGAIN} we did get to speak to a lovely lady who lives in the area. It was her yarn that we being balled, and she was a new knitter and very apologetic. Of corse in the end all was well, her yarn and mine was balled nicely, and we got to the car with time to spare!
Halcyon Yarn in Bath was a large, large facility. They have a large mail order component to their business, and becides yarn deal in spinning, hooking, and weaving equipment and supplies. They had the larget selection of books and yarn, yet I didn't find anything that totally grabbed me. In the end I purchased a drop spindle and some lovely wool roving. My dad has been after me to 'darn his socks', so in an attmept to appease him, I purchased a darning egg. Staff member Gwen was very helpful and also sent me home with both their yarn and equipment catalogues. Shame on her, now I'll be able to shop there year round!
Combined with many other fun and satisfying advetures, plus a few new friends, it was an amazing four days. In an attempt to continue my yarn high, I'll be taking my treasures to my weekly knitter natter meeting at the L.P Fisher Library in Woodstock tomorrow night {7 pm}.