If you whine enough your manager will get you earrings for Christmas.
Your work is to discover your work, and then with all your heart to give yourself to it. -Buddha
Wednesday, December 20
Monday, December 11
Why Generosity Broke My Heart.
Perhaps a broken heart is not the best way to describe what happened Sunday night. A softened heart might do it justice. I'll start from the beginning. I'm tired, and as of tomorrow will have worked 18 days in a row. I know it's silly to work so much however, I can't say no, and when someone needs a shift covered I really like to help. So I was helping someone out on Sunday and took a shift at Taylor. This is a store I don't typically like to work at for many reasons. Sunday night was worse than usualy because of poor staffing. Only two people were scheduled to run the store from 5-11 pm.(By the way that's stupid). Like I mentioned before, I was tired. The store was so incredibely dirty I felt overwhelmed, and we were swamped.
Honestly I resented being there so I asked God to give me a better attitude, to calm me down so I could concentrate on what needed to be done, to change my attitude, and to take away my weriness and give me joy. I started humming a worship song as I cleaned, and began to feel better. Just as we were closing I noticed two women reading the book "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge. We started chatting and I mentioned the women's bible study at Soul was reading it, but I couldn't go because of my schedule. We talked a bit more before I left to go clean up a few things. A few minutes later I came out of the back room to find one of the women standing there with the book in her hand. She said "here, we just finished reading it tonight, and I want to give it to you" This is the point where my heart broke. I was so overwhelmed by her generosity! I gave her a hug, because I had no words. Still when I think of it , I'm speechless. This little act of generosity will always be significant to me.
You all probably know how I like to keep my books, need, and clean. This book has a coffee ring on the front cover. Normally I'd wipe it off, but this time I think I'll leave it there to remind me to be generious just like Crista was.
Honestly I resented being there so I asked God to give me a better attitude, to calm me down so I could concentrate on what needed to be done, to change my attitude, and to take away my weriness and give me joy. I started humming a worship song as I cleaned, and began to feel better. Just as we were closing I noticed two women reading the book "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge. We started chatting and I mentioned the women's bible study at Soul was reading it, but I couldn't go because of my schedule. We talked a bit more before I left to go clean up a few things. A few minutes later I came out of the back room to find one of the women standing there with the book in her hand. She said "here, we just finished reading it tonight, and I want to give it to you" This is the point where my heart broke. I was so overwhelmed by her generosity! I gave her a hug, because I had no words. Still when I think of it , I'm speechless. This little act of generosity will always be significant to me.
You all probably know how I like to keep my books, need, and clean. This book has a coffee ring on the front cover. Normally I'd wipe it off, but this time I think I'll leave it there to remind me to be generious just like Crista was.
Tuesday, December 5
What's All The Cheer About?
What is cheer? At work tonight we had a cheer party. This is a night to celebrate our customers and the relationships we've built with them. I felt an overwhelming spirit of generosity, community and joy at Southglen tonight. This makes me wonder how this feeling is created in a room with so many different people filling its space? It was definitely cheerful...definitely Christmassy, definitely happy, but what else was it? Honestly I felt the joy of the Lord! This type of joy can't be replicated by fake excitement, hype or even good or wishful thoughts. This only happens when the Spirit of God enters a person or a place and they can't help but radiate His glory!

Wednesday, November 22
The Mummy and the Daddy
Christmas is coming and I get to go home. When it's not busy my mind drifts and thinks about going home. We all have those special memories with our families. I seem to have a lot from around Christmas time. I wish I could capture the pale yellow of the living room with the lights on the tree creating a soft and soothing glow. Nothing says home like this.
I started a tradition a few years ago that I hope to carry on when I have my own family. I went for a walk Christmas night. The crisp air was so refreshing after a day inside. I wonder who'll join me this year?
Not all my memories are serious though. One year was very disappointing. I'd been asking for a sewing machine all year. It was the only thing I really wanted. When it was time for my final (and biggest) gift I just knew it would be the long coveted sewing machine. Oh the things I would create! I closed my eyes as mum brought it in...I opened them and saw, a suitcase. How...practical. Well it did turn out to be practical I've used it over and over. It's been everywhere with me. Still I'll always remember the year of the suitcase. Just thinking about the things that have happened in the past get me excited about what will happen this year!
What's your favourite Christmas memory?
Here's a photo of my mum, dad and I from the last time we were together.
I started a tradition a few years ago that I hope to carry on when I have my own family. I went for a walk Christmas night. The crisp air was so refreshing after a day inside. I wonder who'll join me this year?
Not all my memories are serious though. One year was very disappointing. I'd been asking for a sewing machine all year. It was the only thing I really wanted. When it was time for my final (and biggest) gift I just knew it would be the long coveted sewing machine. Oh the things I would create! I closed my eyes as mum brought it in...I opened them and saw, a suitcase. How...practical. Well it did turn out to be practical I've used it over and over. It's been everywhere with me. Still I'll always remember the year of the suitcase. Just thinking about the things that have happened in the past get me excited about what will happen this year!
What's your favourite Christmas memory?
Here's a photo of my mum, dad and I from the last time we were together.

Tuesday, November 14
Found It.
Because I'm getting old (25 in 2 months) I've been reflecting lately on where I've been. Here's the update.
Today...I'm 24, have a MA in Religious Education (sans 1 class). I work at Starbucks, but long for more. I just accepted the title of Department Head for our k-5 kids ministry at church. I've officially sewn two things on my 6 month old sewing machine. This month I went on my first Women's Retreat. It wasn't as bad as I expected. I usually have lots of bruises because I rock climb twice a week. All my friends are getting engaged, and I'm eating hot dogs with girlfriends at Costco.
Two Months Ago...Not Much has changed. I just learned to knit. I visited Ottawa to go to a wedding. I saw Willow Anne there, and told her I still love to make her donuts.I also surprised my mom who was on her fall vacation there with my father. I hadn't seen them in 6 months.
One Year Ago... Oh the students life for me. I recently moved back to Winnipeg after spending the worst summer of my life in Halifax. My boyfriend and I just broke up. I live in a house of my own (well a rented house) with very special roommates. My grandfather died 7 months ago. I still cry when I think about it. I work for some Seminary professors and also Coordinate the social events for the seminary. I started learning Sign Language at Deaf Centre Manitoba and love it...this might be a calling. I can see signing in my future. Once a month I do large group for soul kids. Can't find my donut recipe.
Five Years Ago... If I can count right I'm in my second year of University at Bethany Bible College in NB. I live with my best friend Heather in TP, who is about to meet her soon to be fiance. I'm in the final months of my one year commitment with Alive. I've been doing sound and counseling at summer camps and youth retreats for over a year! Willow Anne taught me how to make donuts. I hope I never lose the recipe.
Today...I'm 24, have a MA in Religious Education (sans 1 class). I work at Starbucks, but long for more. I just accepted the title of Department Head for our k-5 kids ministry at church. I've officially sewn two things on my 6 month old sewing machine. This month I went on my first Women's Retreat. It wasn't as bad as I expected. I usually have lots of bruises because I rock climb twice a week. All my friends are getting engaged, and I'm eating hot dogs with girlfriends at Costco.
Two Months Ago...Not Much has changed. I just learned to knit. I visited Ottawa to go to a wedding. I saw Willow Anne there, and told her I still love to make her donuts.I also surprised my mom who was on her fall vacation there with my father. I hadn't seen them in 6 months.
One Year Ago... Oh the students life for me. I recently moved back to Winnipeg after spending the worst summer of my life in Halifax. My boyfriend and I just broke up. I live in a house of my own (well a rented house) with very special roommates. My grandfather died 7 months ago. I still cry when I think about it. I work for some Seminary professors and also Coordinate the social events for the seminary. I started learning Sign Language at Deaf Centre Manitoba and love it...this might be a calling. I can see signing in my future. Once a month I do large group for soul kids. Can't find my donut recipe.
Five Years Ago... If I can count right I'm in my second year of University at Bethany Bible College in NB. I live with my best friend Heather in TP, who is about to meet her soon to be fiance. I'm in the final months of my one year commitment with Alive. I've been doing sound and counseling at summer camps and youth retreats for over a year! Willow Anne taught me how to make donuts. I hope I never lose the recipe.
Thursday, November 9
Something to Blog About
Thursday, November 2
Sunday, October 22
Catch Up

It's loads of fun, it gives you a great work out and a real sense of accopmplishment. Join me sometime...Tuesday nights...Co-Ed Shapes on Pembina...6-9...$10...shoes and harness included.
Monday, October 16
Knitting Con Panna

Check out some photos from the first EVER (in winnipeg) Starbucks knitting club, called Knitting Con Panna (knitting with cream...yes it doesn't make any sense). I can tell that we're going to become a very tight knit group. Judging from the turn out (7 at the first meeting, 5 partners, 2 customers) this will be the most fun ever. We're a very passionate group with a real love for what we're doing. For now we're just getting together to knit. Hopefully in the future we're going to be donating scarves, hats and mitts that we make to a shelter or transition home downtown. We are also looking into donating to a daycare, and possibly selling our things at a craft show. There really are endless possibilities. For more photos see Heathers photos on little hobbit feet.

Tuesday, September 26
Chicks with Sticks

Yes, nice name, but probably not the one we will keep. Our Starbucks knitting club is in need of a name...puns, play on words, or what have you. Our first meeting was comprised of three members, Amy, Heather and myself. We had a very good time and are hoping for more people (including some males, or even one!) to make the trip out next Sunday.
Friday, August 25
Thursday, August 24
Outdoor Fun
Friday, August 11
Just so you know...
Althought there is that 7 month old christmas tree in my back yard...WAIT! That's not mine.
I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.

"Stop Test Driving Your Girlfriend".
Tuesday, July 11
The Seed Collector

One of the joys of the garden is collecting little seeds, putting them in envelops and anticipating what they might become next year. Here are some lupine seeds I harvested from the large plant in the backyard. You Maritimers know it doesn't take much for lupines to consume an entire field in hues of lavender, pink, and white. Hopefully these prairie seeds will have just as much spunk.

Wednesday, June 28
The Starbucks Climbers
Friday, June 16

Thursday, June 15
Friday, June 9
Like, Stop Saying Like.
These posters tell us that we all sound stupid because we say this word. Do we even know we use this unnecessary discourse marker? How kind of their designer to have our best interests in mind. Some of us don't and are okay with that. (click to enlarge, they are worth the read)

Tuesday, June 6
Fast Forward
Okay, let's fast forward from then (my last post ) to now.
Let's do a photo recap. :) Click on the photos to enlarge.
So I graduated...here's proof.

I also got a new car...

Started working at
Then I took my car on a camping/canoe trip to Caddy Lake...
It was beautiful...

Becky and I did some simple bouldering.
I also got a bike.
And have been spending a lot of time in the garden.

Let's do a photo recap. :) Click on the photos to enlarge.
So I graduated...here's proof.

Started working at

Then I took my car on a camping/canoe trip to Caddy Lake...

Becky and I did some simple bouldering.

I also got a bike.

And have been spending a lot of time in the garden.

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