Check out some photos from the first EVER (in winnipeg) Starbucks knitting club, called Knitting Con Panna (knitting with cream...yes it doesn't make any sense). I can tell that we're going to become a very tight knit group. Judging from the turn out (7 at the first meeting, 5 partners, 2 customers) this will be the most fun ever. We're a very passionate group with a real love for what we're doing. For now we're just getting together to knit. Hopefully in the future we're going to be donating scarves, hats and mitts that we make to a shelter or transition home downtown. We are also looking into donating to a daycare, and possibly selling our things at a craft show. There really are endless possibilities. For more photos see Heathers photos on little hobbit feet.

This was probably one of the funnest afternoons I have enjoyed in such a long time! It was so wonderful and I look forward to the next sunday!!!!
Sounds like a blast! Your funny mere!
Congratulations on starting the first Starbucks knitting club in the Peg!! Mere you Rock!!
Looks like you guys had a great time, and more fun times ahead!!
Just dropping in to tell you that I will be there for tomorrow's/today's knitting! I'll be there early to help if you need any setting up.
See you then!
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