I've never been much of a "Barenaked Ladies" fan...but when given free tickets to see them tonight at the MTS centre, I'm their biggest fan.
More to come....
Here is the afore mentioned 'more'...
Pictures are worth a thousand words...so...
The lights and back drops were pretty.

The intermission/ intro, consisted of a video of people writing what the
BNL are....
Melba toast. mean spirited, meatballs, mechanics, men, meticulous, ^ a
metaphor, mezzo-
sopranos, melting,
meteoroids, melodious, medicine men, medicine balls, meat balls, meat loaf...it only got worse and worse from there. So did their jokes..things like are cabbage rolls and rock and roll the same things? Is speaking before you think the same as thinking before you speak. Then there was a long rambling about
Perogies being root
Jason and I...he's my favourite (okay, ONE of my favourite) St. Vital baristas.
Was it worth the price of admission?
Hey, I went to Winterjam at the Civic Center and I ran in to Yatsko. I knew I lived close to him, but we lost contact.
He said to say hey and he told me he is doing well. I almost didn't recognize him because he gained a lot of weight. But it was good to see him.
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