All this talk about Earl and that havoc he is inevitably going to cause has got me to thinking! If this hurricane did actually amount to anything how would I get through it?
Storm Chasing really isn't my thing so I'll be staying home to ride out the storm. The battery life on my apple computer is only about 5 hours, and my dog isn't the best conversationalist, so I'll be left to rely on old faithful- no not the dog...Knitting!
Although knitting appears to be mundane, so 'the same', there are some precautions to take when knitting during a hurricane. It would be foolish to jump right into storm knittin'.
I've enlisted the help of my personal knitting consult to assist in this list.
{Please welcome Adele to the blog!}
{Please welcome Adele to the blog!}
We've come up with a list of good practices, essential tools and common sense anecdotes as well as some tips to keep you knitting come wind or high water! Bring it on Earl!
- If you're securing your patio furniture or putting a weighted vest on your dog, it might be wise to secure your yarn stash too. I've never known a piano or chest freezer to blow away, so if it will fit, throw all your yarn in and you'll have it when you need it!
- Now is the time to charge your ipod, fill it with knitting podcasts or your favourite mood music..are you in the mood for knitting?
- Headlamps are not just for splunkers anymore. These handy flashlights that sit on your forehead with the help of some sort of elastic are very affordable, Adele seems to think they can even be purchased at the dollar store!
- Another benefit of having a headlamp is that it will allow you to read knitting patterns or books, when the power goes out, or the battery of your laptop dies.
- To eliminate frustration and maximize your knitting time check online for patter errata for the project you plan to work on during the hurricane.
- If the Vikkel braid you know is coming up at the end of your Estonian mitten is making you shiver, look up the technique on YouTube before it's too late!
- In the unnecessary event of limited lighting get out those needle protectors! Unprotected needles could be more problematic than unprotected sex, without the little bundle of joy 9 months later. And really, no-one wants blood on their latest work in progress.
- Now might be a good time to practice knitting blind. If the batteries in your head lamp die, or your nervous about flammable material near an open flame, get out some chunky yarn, your size 35 needles, and close your eyes, it's time knit a garter stitch car cozy.
- I know you've never lost a 00 needle in the couch cushions before and your sweet overweight cat never plays with your stitch markers, but trust me, anything can happen during a hurricane. Prepare your tool kit now!
- Knitting is not all about the tools, patterns and yarn. There are some things knitters need to keep going, you guessed Grind up some of Ethopia's finest now and brew it up, it will keep in a thermous long enough to keep you knitting into the wee hours of the morning.
There are many other things we could metion to help you prepare- like how being frantic or melodramatic is not a good idea anytime, especially not in a hurricane, but you're smart and probably know all that anyway.
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