Many of you know I work with the kids at Soul Sanctuary. This has been both rewarding and stressful at times. In the end it is always worth it...I have a lot of fun, as do the kids and other leaders. Here are some photos from various Soul Kids events. The first is Lauren and I on our Krayola Sunday workday. We are sporting crayon top hats that look just lovely.

Next is myself acting the part of a scientist...the kids seemed to think I was a "mad scientist", perhaps it was the glasses?
And finally, here is a shot of me teaching the kids about the changes that occur when things are held up to the light. My example was that of glow in the dark stars...I compared them to us
and the light to Jesus. When stars are held up to
the light they change...they glow. When we spend
time near the light (Jesus), we are changed too!

Meredith is HOT HOT HOT as a scientist!!
Sounds like fun. Don't you love kids?? I have a blast at work! Its stressful but so much fun!
Mere, you do good work! What a great example of why we should get to know Jesus! You're great. Again, sorry about lunch the other day. Call and we'll re-schedule! HUGS!
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