Grammy Culberson's Brown Sugar Drop Cookies.
Here is the recipe for any inquisitive bakers out there. They are very easy to make and only cook for 5 minutes.
Preheat oven to a strong 400.
- 1 Cup brown sugar (more or less)
- 1/2 cup soft butter
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp soda
- pinch of salt
- almost a tsp of vanilla (I forgot this tonight and they turned out fine anyway)
- 2 cups of pastry flour, less if using regular flower. (I used about 1 1/2 cups)
- 1 cup chocolate chips (walnuts, coconut, etc)
- Bake cookies at 400 for 3 minutes, then adjust heat to 375 and back 2 more minutes.
Make sure not to over cook.
- Take the cookies out of the oven and leave on pan for 10 more minutes, they will finish cooking. - Make sure not to over cook.
Stephen likes them....

Oh, goodness, what a freak.
I wonder what kind of person would even allow themselves to be associated with someone of that sort.
What Mark said.
j/k XD Silly Stephen.
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