Saturday, July 16

If it were any other day!

If it were any other day I would not have had a bowl of Kashi GoLean Crunch with organic cherries and 1% Milk.
Going, going...


If it were any other day I would not have had time to survey the garden and notice the new growth. I had given up hope of any produce this year after the horrific hail storm of last week and an earwig infestation.

Hope springs eternal. 

If it were any other day Mom would have not come over at 11 a.m for a sit in the sun to read Hello magazine. I also would not have done two loads of laundry, washed a sink full of dishes, fixed Konrad's couch or vacuumed the sun porch.

If it were any other day I would not have had time to read Best Health Magazine or find the perfect recipe for lunch- Burrito with Black Beans and Corn! I also would not have seen Canadian blogger Angela Liddon of  "Oh she Glows" featured in the magazine!

If it were any other day I would not have plans to knit for the rest of the afternoon.!