Wednesday, December 14

Youth Encounter Seminar

I'm on the internet...Yes I know you're thinking, "of course you're on the internet Meredith, you have a blog and e-mail etc" Well that's true, but I'm truly on the internet now. Next semester I am doing a Rob Bell seminar called "Blowhorn" you can look at my bio and write up on the Prov website. At the top click on "special guests" (that's me!) and then on "workshops"....Scroll down and you can read all about me at the bottom. Yippee

Sunday, December 11

TrUe LoVe

"A true act of love, unlike imaginary love, is hard and forbidding. Imaginary love yearns for an immediate heroic act that is achieved quickly and seen by everyone. People may actually reach a point where they are willing to sacrifice their lives, as long as the ordeal doesnt last too long, is quickly over--just like on stage, with the public watching and admiring. A true act of love, on the other hand, requires hard work and patience, and, for some, it is a whole way of life." ~Fyodor Dostoevsky,

Saturday, December 10

Things That Make Me Purr.

The following is a "bliss list" I've borrowed from the current Oprah magazine. What makes you Purrrrr......?
  • The First Paragraph of a novel that completely captures you.
  • Walking through the madness of the city to the beads on an iPod.
  • Little neck kisses from someone who knows what he's doing.
  • Murder, She Wrote returns. Jessica always knows what to do!
  • Checking off the last thing on the Saturday to-do list.
  • Cranium
  • The halo of warmth from a radiator, heating vent or fire (especially in Seminary)
  • Throwing things out!
  • A great scalp massage from the shampoo lady at the hairdresser.
  • Catching a whiff of your favorite perfume as someone walks by.
  • Coming home to your old room and slipping underneath sheets washed by Mom, surrounded by old books, photos and a big collection of your "stuff".
  • Baking...anything! Cooking has a deadline, cooking is just about passing time.
  • Reaching the end of a hike and seeing the view from the top.
  • Taking a personal day.
  • Going to the doctor and finding out everything's okay.
  • Friends (real ones and the show).
  • Homemade whipped cream.
  • Friday night, 6:30 after a long, hard week.
  • Taking the soccer ball out of the air on a cross with a perfect, powerful, knee height volley to the side netting. (Okay, maybe not in December)
  • Being good at what you do. (And getting credit for it)
  • Having a baby fall asleep on your shoulder.
  • Watching someone you love get dressed for an evening out.
  • The Princess Bride.
  • Dessert for dinner.
  • The utter sense of peace you feel seconds before drifting off to sleep.
  • Stargazing...time seems to stand still.
  • Popcorn
  • Northern lights...knowing they've moved, but not noticing when it happens.
  • Waking up and knowing, by the muffled sounds outside, that is has snowed- a lot.
  • The smell of the first cup of coffee.
  • A foot rub given by someone who knows what she's doing.
  • The Saturday paper-the heavier the better.
  • Looking at pictures of your mother as a child.
  • Long e-mails from an old friend, especially a funny old friend.
  • A child smiling at you in the grocery store line.
  • A big plate of pasta.
  • Porch-sitting on a summer night.
  • Laying on the grass watching the bats come out.
  • Wearing a hat, just because you want to.
See how much more fun I'm having because I'm wearing a hat!

Tuesday, December 6

Christmas in Tinseltown

The young adults at Soul Sanctuary can throw one heck of a smashing party. Here are some photos from Saturday nights Christmas in Tinseltown.

Monday, November 14

Buy Nothing Day

The book of Ecclesiastes says there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Although "a time to buy and a time to refrain from buying" is not included in this list of days, it probably could be. I know at times I've been really caught up in the pressures of consumerism. While growing up I always had more than enough, and now I take "having things" for granted.
The typical motto of the University Student is "Poor Student". This has never been more true for me than this semester. I dread looking at my bank account balance! Not because there was nothing in there, but just because there was less than I wanted there to be.
So all semester I've been trying to find free things to do. I've found the days and weekends I've not used to "buying something" to fill a need, or a whim, or a bored afternoon, the most fun and memorable. So in order to support fun activities that don't involve shelling out money, or using the debit card I am participating in "Buy Nothing Day". Check out the site, it might be something you would consider doing too.

Wednesday, November 9

Jill Of All Trades

"I believe it's never too early - or too late - to start asking the questions: "What is it that really absorbs me? And what am I uniquely suited to being able to contribute to both my life and the lives of others? - and then to have the courage, patience, and persistence to act on the answers as if your life depends on it. Because, in a very real sense it does." - author Andy Griffith in I Believe This.
I used to believe only those who really understood themselves were happy. Those were the people who had chosen a set career, a great school, or married into wealth! These thoughts were recently brought back to the front of my mind when today in chapel
Jason Clapp talked about being a "Jack of all trades, and master of none". It was wonderful to hear the experiences of someone else with many interests, but apparently no niche. I, like him enjoy lots of different things. Cooking has always been a passion, but would I enjoy doing it for a job and for pleasure...Probably not. So I've kept it as a hobby. I also love singing and leading worship. As a career...No thanks, praise would be a job, not a joy. I was definitely fascinated when Steve tried to teach me what he knew about photography and developing, but do I do it now? No, I have the intent to, but haven't been out to shoot in a long time. What do I want to do? Nothing in particular, and everything in general. I would love to learn sign language! To be able to communicate in this way just silences me. It is such a beautiful form of communication. I also want to write better. I know this is not something that comes easily, because it takes work to translate my thoughts into words. I also want to paint, with watercolours. However, this takes patience and inspiration. Perhaps I am afraid to try, in case I fail.

Even though I am about to receive a Masters degree, I don't feel like I've mastered anything. But this is ok. I believe this is more
advantageous.In these small ways I'll have more opportunity to connect with more people because of my varied interests. I guess all I can do is to follow my whims, knowing they will surely lead someplace delightful, and who knows I may find that special talent made just for me.

Saturday, October 22

Great Guacamole

I just tried this recipe for an avcoado's favourite dish from the Moosewood Cookbook. Try it today.


juice of half lemon or whole lime
flesh of 1 large avocado
1 small clove of garlic minced
1/2 teaspoon of cumin
small piece of Lebanese cucumber finely sliced
small piece of red capsicum (pepper) finely sliced
2 big spoonfuls of mayonnaise (or to taste).
(this adorible picture is by loobylu)

Bloody Redemption

I just got back from seeing a play! Tonight was the first night I have been out "on the town" since moving back to the Peg. This play was called "The Rise and Fall of Bloody Redemption". It was held at a church, and there was some language that you wouldn't expect to hear at a church used. Interesting....However, the language was funny, the context was funny, the whole thing was just funny. Speaking of funny, thank goodness Jason did have this outfit on tonight (the one in the photo), he would have been chilly!
This one man show was performed by Jason Neufeld (just in case you don't know, this is a classic Mennonite name) The play was a back and forth monologue between former childhood friends. Zak Funk and Billy Reamer. Zak is a super rock n' roll star (Christian Rock 'n roll that is) and Billy is a big city telavangelist. Basically it was about extremism and how it can show up in fanatically religious people and the non-religious. Humorous and witty.

Neufeld performed this play at the Winnipeg Fringe Fest this past summer. He is also the author of several other plays: "Confessions of a Repressed Mennonite", "The Sound of Two Dorks Humping", "The Mennonite Bandit vs. Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n Roll" and "Kentucky Waterfall".

It would be really interesting to know Jason's personal beliefs, where his personal spirit lies. He was critical of Christian culture and the obvious hypocrisies that exist. He says "we are living in a dark age of religious fundamentalism". A time where the separation of church and state is becoming a thing of the past, a time where Christian groups are getting media savvy and mobilizing against "immorality". "Call it what you will- a crusade, a witch hunt, a holy war- religious extremism and fanaticism is scary. And that's why it needs to be laughed at".

Sunday, October 16

Jamie's Italy

I was looking on Jamie Oliver's website today. He's got some really fun things there. And hey, who doesn't want to win a trip to Italy.

Sunday, October 2

Happy Having Fun

I'm in the back with the hot blonde

On a Boat etc..

This is me in an orange lifejacket. First of all I really like orange. But there is something about a really big hard orange thing wrapped around someone's body that is just not attractive, no matter what the spin.

This year is going to be a busy one. I have five classes. Yes that's a lot, especially in Seminary. This isn't Bible College folks. Sometimes I wish it was, no I take that back. That would involve being 17-20 again, no thanks.

I'm a teacher in Sunday School, which is no longer called Sunday School. Now it is called "Soul Kids". I really like this name but it is very different than the type of Sunday school I grew up with. We don't do colouring. Isn't that too bad.

At school I got asked to be the social co-ordinator. This seems like an easy job, but it's not. Being social is hard. It's especially hard trying to make friends with single males. They think you want to date them... oh boys!

By the way I'm not a Halogian gal anymore. I probably never will be again.

Friday, July 29

Left at the lake

Hello everyone, I must apologize for my lack of communication on my blog. Summer is coming to an end, and so is my time in Halifax. However I have a month left, and I really shouldn't be wishing my time away. I am house sitting this Natal day weekend. They have a beautiful home, with no television. So if anyone wants to call me to keep me company. 902-222-8789. I'd appreciate it :)
Must go to work now...Happy August.

Monday, May 23

Sail Cakes

Victoria Day has been a very lazy day. The sky is grey and has been ever since I woke up early this morning. The over cast sky will make for a perfect picture taking day.
Steve and I just finished our pancake lunch. I decided to play around with a new recipe that I created because of a lack of milk. So Sail Cakes were born. Here is how they got their name. I had this tub of Ricotta cheese that I needed to use soon before it went bad. For some reason Steve can not say Ricotta, when he tries the only thing that comes out of his mouth is Regatta. Apparently a Regatta is a type of large sailing competition, so Sail Cakes were born. Although Steve was skeptical at first in the end he really did like them. They are a bit heavier than most pancakes, but utterly delicious. Here is the recipe:

Sail Cakes
^ 10, 4" cakes
*1 c. Whole wheat flour
*1 egg
*3/4 c. Water or 1 cup milk
*1/2 c. Ricotta cheese
*2 Tablespoons light olive oil, or veggie oil
*1 Tablespoon melted butter (omit if using milk)
*1 Tablespoon sugar
*1 teaspoon powder
*1 teaspoon soda
*1/2 teaspoon salt
*1 teaspoon cinnamon
*1 teaspoon honey

Wednesday, May 18

Bunny Ears PC

Bunny Ears PC, originally uploaded by Meredith R Culberson.

Before we enjoyed a yummy mean of fish 'n' chips, and seafood chowder, we had some fun in the gift shop. That is Kriss laughing at me in the background.

Peggy's Cove

Windy Day PC, originally uploaded by Meredith R Culberson.

Last weekend Kriss and Barnabus from Korea, via Providence, came to visit Steve and I in Nova Scotia. We took them to Peggy's cove on a really cold, wet and windy day, which was intesified because of the costal weather.

Wednesday, May 11

Just how hard is it supposed to be?

So moving to Halifax for the summer, was supposed to be lighthearted, fun...easy. To my deeep displeasure, living on the coast of the world, has been anything but a good time.
I don't want to sound negative, I love the city and the people. It's just the job market that has me wishing I wasn't a student, and that I could advertise all the skills I've gathered over the years.
I came here naively thinking I would have no problem finding a job. I was W-R-O-N-G. However it is probably my pride that is keeping me from being employed today. But that's not what I want to talk about now...I want to talk about, the way looking for a job, can totally destroy a girl.
You would think being a student would enable you to gain employment. Doesn't it prove that you have brains, you are committed, and diligent? Doesn't it say "I have goals, and I want to make a difference?" Guess not.
In a city of 500,000 (?) I have not been able to find a full time job anywhere. Perhaps I am not looking in the right places, or calling the right numbers? Even the part-time job market is difficult to break into. No one wants a student, someone who is only around four months of the year. I even got turned away by a call-centre! How discouraging!
So I'm left wondering what the heck I am supposed to do. How far do I go to get a job? Should I indicate I am currently a student on my resume? Should I omit the fact I am going to be deserting them in four months? Do I lie? Where do I draw the line between employment, and integrity?
As tough as it it, I am being optimistic. I have made good friends with the local library, and find myself cooking a lot more cakes. Some days it's easy to be optimistic and excited. However sometimes, in this world where everyone is looking out for number one, I just want to crawl home and have someone need me, to tell me they wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't around. I guess we all feel this way, we need to be needed.
So if you're looking for a job this summer, don't be discouraged, there is a job out there for you. It may not be exactly what you are looking for. Heck I gave up my 9-5 dream job two weeks ago. Keep looking, seek and you will find...eventually.

Friday, April 1


Grampy, originally uploaded by Meredith R Culberson.

"Love is stronger then death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death."
Grampy,I'll always remember how well you listened, how you hated the cold, but came to watch us at the rink anyway, the way your pronounced Saskatchewan, how you ate your rolls with molasses, how you sang in the choir, how you worked so hard because you enjoyed it, and the continuous love and support you demonstrated everyday.
You went out with your boots on, just the way you lived.

Ralph B. Culberson

1924 - 2005

Culberson, Ralph B. of Jacksonville, New Brunswick passed away suddenly on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital.

Born in Jacksonville, NB on September 18, 1924, son of the late Ernest & Janet (Carpenter) Culberson.

Survived by his wife of 56 years, Myrtle (Keyes) Culberson.

His children
Roy & Wanda (Kidney) Culberson & children Kerry & Robert.
Murray & Sharon (Speer) Culberson & son Mark
Hazen & Sheila (Fraser) Culberson & daughter Meredith
Evelyn (Culberson) & John Clendenning & children Jordan & Laura

His Sisters and Brothers
Kathryn Strong, Doreen Thomas (Frederick); Dorothy Milbury (John).
Howard (Betty) Culberson; William (Lois) Culberson
Brother-in-law Basil Markey
Numerous Nieces and Nephews

Besides his parents, Ralph was predeceased by sister Ruth Markey & brother Clarence Culberson

Resting at The Culberson Funeral Home 188 Connell Street, Woodstock. The Culberson family will receive friends on Friday, April 1, 2005 from 1:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Funeral services to be held on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 5:00 P.M. at The Jacksonville United Baptist Church, #433 Route 560 , Jacksonville.

A private family committal and interment to follow the funeral service at the Upper Jacksonville United Baptist Church Cemetery.

As an expression of sympathy, donations to the Ralph B. Culberson Memorial Fund or the Donors Choice would be appreciated by the Culberson Family.

The family mailing address: 682 Route 560 Jacksonville, NB E7M 3J8

Funeral arrangements are under the care of The Culberson Funeral Home 188 Connell Street, Woodstock, NB E7M 1L8( 1-866-325-1130)

Wednesday, March 23

Why Are We Spiritual?

A question came up in class yesterday about spirituality. The teacher asked us 'what made a person spiritual?' So now I'm asking you, as believers in Jesus Christ (or for those of you who aren't) what is it that you do, or don't do, believe, or seek that makes you a spiritual person? Does attending church three times a week do it? What about not drinking or attending movies? So for everyone reading...What is it that makes you a spiritual person and why?

Tuesday, March 22


MAC, originally uploaded by Meredith R Culberson.

Can you believe it? There is going to be a MAC opening in the Halifax Shopping Center this summer! I'm overcome with ecstasy. It's my life long goal to work at MAC, and now this amazing opportunity has come up! I'm definitely going to apply, although I won't get my hopes up of getting a job. It's fun to dream though.

Friday, March 18


iPod Mini, originally uploaded by Meredith R Culberson.

Two nights ago, I did it, I purchased an iPod mini! I decided to get the pink one, I wonder why?
It will be great to have for class too, because I can transport files too.
The only bad things was the cost, but for what it does, I was semi-willing to shell out the cash.

Wednesday, March 16

Lynn's Blog

Hi Everyone, I stumbled across an old friends blog tonigh. He has some meaningful things to say. Here's the address:

Tuesday, March 15

Only Hours Away From Total Collapse

Windy girls
Windy girls,
originally uploaded by Meredith R Culberson.

Intrasession has been a good week except for the relentless wind and 60 hours of sitting in those very uncomfortable chairs. (For my BBC friends, the lecture hall, and for fellow Provers, the chapel type chairs, for others reading, well just be glad you can't relate.) Our breaks were definately inadequate, however it was very nice to just mooch around and not have to do anything in particular for 10 whole minutes! Thank goodness the day is almost over, and I can go home to a sink full of dishes! That's all for now...

Tuesday, March 1

Another Amazing Album

Singer/songwriter/surfer/filmmaker Jack Johnson delevers a shining new album of acoustic guitar- driven grooves, and solid pop songcraft called "In Between Dreams". You must listen to this album, in typical JJ style, he takes you to a nice world or waves, and gulls....forget about our dreadful winters, and relax...with Jack.

The Good Old Days

Karen's wedding
Originally uploaded by Meredith R Culberson.
My best friends mother recently sent me some photos of days gone by. This one is of Whitney, Breanne, Myself and Katie at our church before we sang at a wedding. Ahhhhh the good old days!

Wednesday, January 12

Terminal Frustrations

Originally uploaded by Meredith R Culberson.
I just finished spending some quality time with my mother. We watched "The Terminal" with the, ever talented, Mr. Tom Hanks. It was a great movie, funny, sad, challenging (well kind of). Despite it's appeal, it left me kind of disappointed. The reason Viktor Navorski goes to New York, fianally get accomplished, however, I was waiting for more. There was no closure for me. His realtionship with Missy. Flightattendant never gets truly resolved. Nor do we find out what happens to his airport staff friends. I really want to know more about Mr. Navorski. Does he have a family? What kind of job does he have that enables him to leave work for 3 months? Why is he SO nice? Although the Terminal was extremely funny, and entertaining, I still want to know 'why' to many questions. I got very upset at the Airport manager, or whoever he was. I don't think he deserved his job. He didn't care for the people in his airport at all. Are people really as awful as him? One of the best parts of the movie, was the beautiful moasic fountian Viktor made for his um, lady friend.
Have you seen the movie? What do you think?

Tuesday, January 4

Photos a la Meredith

I'm spending the week in Halifax. It's wonderful except for one thing. I don't have my precious little car with me.
However I am having fun and learning lots of new things.
On Sunday Steve and I went out for a long walk. We took about 36 b&w photos. When we got home he taught me to develop my own photos! This is very exciting, as I have always wanted to learn how, now I can do it for free. The best part is that Steve is very patient, and explains everything very well. Also Im learning to hand tint photos. It takes a lot of patience. I'm thinking if I get proficient at the task, I might sell them! 5x7's go for approximately $50 or more. What a fun and delightful way to make some spare change.
If I can I'll post some of my work later, and perhaps in the distant future, some might be for sale here as well.