Tuesday, November 14

Found It.

Because I'm getting old (25 in 2 months) I've been reflecting lately on where I've been. Here's the update.

Today...I'm 24, have a MA in Religious Education (sans 1 class). I work at Starbucks, but long for more. I just accepted the title of Department Head for our k-5 kids ministry at church. I've officially sewn two things on my 6 month old sewing machine. This month I went on my first Women's Retreat. It wasn't as bad as I expected. I usually have lots of bruises because I rock climb twice a week. All my friends are getting engaged, and I'm eating hot dogs with girlfriends at Costco.

Two Months Ago...Not Much has changed. I just learned to knit. I visited Ottawa to go to a wedding. I saw Willow Anne there, and told her I still love to make her donuts.I also surprised my mom who was on her fall vacation there with my father. I hadn't seen them in 6 months.

One Year Ago... Oh the students life for me. I recently moved back to Winnipeg after spending the worst summer of my life in Halifax. My boyfriend and I just broke up. I live in a house of my own (well a rented house) with very special roommates. My grandfather died 7 months ago. I still cry when I think about it. I work for some Seminary professors and also Coordinate the social events for the seminary. I started learning Sign Language at Deaf Centre Manitoba and love it...this might be a calling. I can see signing in my future. Once a month I do large group for soul kids. Can't find my donut recipe.

Five Years Ago... If I can count right I'm in my second year of University at Bethany Bible College in NB. I live with my best friend Heather in TP, who is about to meet her soon to be fiance. I'm in the final months of my one year commitment with Alive. I've been doing sound and counseling at summer camps and youth retreats for over a year! Willow Anne taught me how to make donuts. I hope I never lose the recipe.


Sarah Gomez said...

I am so glad you made it to the wedding. Are you coming to your parents for Christmas? Be SURE to look me up!! We need to catch up!

Heather Durkee said...

yeah for roomies and BF's.

I am constantly never satisfied with where my life is at 25. Love God, love marriage, hate job sometimes and always want bigger and better! But I guess its good to push yourself.

Love yah.