Monday, April 3

Cloodle and Sensosketch

For all you Cranium playing people out there you can now go online and post all your best Cloodle and Sensosketch drawings on the Cranium website. I'm not sure why you would want to do this, but apparently these people thought it was a good idea.
Can you guess what the drawings are?
dishwasher, pez, cheerleader, cupid.


MRC said...

Well I think someone should comment about this post, so I will. I can't wait to play cranium any of you Peggers have it? If yes, let's play!

Heather Durkee said...

I think they are awesome! Although, mine aren't that good. They are just to get th point acrossed!

Anonymous said...

If I was there I'd play with you Mere...I love it too! Someday we will get a chance to play it together! Happy Graduation! Congrats...I'm very proud of you!